“You should never be bored because there is always something to learn.” Jen Ruiz takes her love of blogging full time

If you are thinking about quitting your 9-5 and finding success as a writer, Jen Ruiz has done just that and done it in style. Hear from her about taking her life as a lawyer and turning it upside down.
Why becoming a freelancer straight out of university is a great choice for graduates

Going out on your own post-uni is scary. But building a business right away? Madness! And yet… Let us walk you through the best steps to building your freelance business post-uni.
Everything freelancers need to know about publishing their first book

Are you thinking about writing and publishing your premier book? Whether it’s your lit-fic magnum opus or a small collection of essays about your favourite celebrity beefs, we’ve got the info you need
Setting boundaries when work becomes personal

“Do what you love”, they say, “and you’ll never work a day in your life”. Yeah, right.
A Guide to Pensions as a Freelancer

It’s pension season! If you want to learn more about how to get a pension as a freelancer, look no further.
A guide to planning for unsteady pay

Freelancing can mean waiting a while for a paid invoice, as we all know. So how do you deal with consistentinconsistency?
Why it’s more than OK to start freelancing without a niche

Freelancing with a niche is often encouraged. But Ellen Juliette argues that you don’t always need a specific interest to get started.
Should you ask potential clients to sign an NDA?

What do you think would happen if you asked new clients to sign an NDA? Would they consider it, or immediately say no? Either way, it’s something to consider. So here’s everything you need to understand it.
Setting the bar for your freelance rates

Deciding your rates is difficult, but here’s how you can at least make a start of getting an idea of the choices you need to make as an early-stage freelancer
Skills every freelance content writer should master

Want to be a content writer that is able to close clients? Here are the skills you need to do just that.